Public Speaking

What are some tips for public speaking?

Whether presenting a topic at the university, giving a speech at a wedding, or displaying the results of the monthly balance at work, public speaking is inevitable in many aspects of life. This can be a source of insecurity for many and paralyzing fear for others, standing up front of an audience with confidence is something that can be learned and improved with practice. So if you have got public speaking difficulties and general anxiety about speaking, then you should try and follow all of these tips!

Always research about your topic well:

Take some time to keep in mind that those who listen to you may ask you and prepare the answers.

Improvising is not a good idea. Although going with the flow and being spontaneous is recommended, trusting that your presentation will be good without a hint of preparation is something that even the best speakers would not do. Investigate Know intimately the subject and what you will say and how you are going to say it. Knowing what is being talked about is one of the best ways to calm nerves.

Confront your anxiety about public speaking:

Are you afraid to make a fool of yourself, of people laughing at you, to stutter, to lose professional prestige? They are things that never happen. How many people do you know who have fired from your company for not speaking well in public?

If your fear is to stay blank, take notes, if it is not working audiovisual media, take a plan B, that is, if it is about things that can really happen, take the necessary measures to reduce that possibility to a minimum.

Have a Backup:

Prepare a “Plan B” before your speech. Thinking about “what can happen if …” generates anxiety. “What happens if the computer does not recognize the PowerPoint presentation?”, “What happens if someone interrupts constantly?” And “What do I do if the projector does not work?” Are some of the questions that can cause panic in any speaker. It is for this reason that you must create contingency plans and thus be more prepared if the worst happens, although it probably does not happen.

Organise Yourself:

With time, carefully plan the information you want to present, including visual or auditory aids. The more organised you are, the less nervous you can be. Use a scheme on a small card to maintain the order of your exposure. If possible, go in advance to the place where you will speak and review the audio and video systems available before the presentation.

Get support:

Sure you can find friends or colleagues who are in a similar situation. You can help each other or encourage you to participate together in a workshop or course to overcome these fears.

Focus on your material and not the audience:

People tend to pay attention to new information and not to how it is presented. Your audience may not notice your nervousness, but if they do, they can even sympathise with you and help you to make your presentation a success.